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Cube (1997)  link to Cube on IMDb

Antal: 448

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IMDB Karakter: star star star star star star star star star star

Land: Canada, 90 Minutter

Sprog: Engelsk, Tysk

Genre(r): Horror, Mystik, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Instruktør: Vincenzo Natali

Aktører: Maurice Dean Wint, David Hewlett, Nicole de Boer, Andrew Miller, Julian Richings

Medie: Ukendt

Handling: Six different people, each from a very different walk of life, awaken to find themselves inside a giant cube with thousands of possible rooms. Each has a skill that becomes clear when they must band together to get out: a cop, a math whiz, a building designer, a doctor, an escape master, and a disabled man. Each plays a part in their thrilling quest to find answers as to why they've been imprisoned.

Placering: SPINDEL 14

Udlånt til: Nej

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